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        柔性封装机器人是专用的自动封装设备,主要针对MEMS(Micro Electro Mechanical systems的缩写,即微电子机械系统)应用于小批量、多品种传感器的自动封装而研制开发,可针对各传感器特点,通过夹具的柔性设计完成不同类型传感器的封装。

        Flexible Encapsulation Robot is an exclusive Automatic Encapsulation Equipment. It aims at MEMS( Micro Electro Mechanical Systems) and is developed and applied to the Auto-Encapsulation of small lot and various kinds of sensors. It encapsulates various kinds of sensors with the flexible design of fixtures according the characeristic of sensors

        1、应用领域:MEMS产业发展特点是小批量、多品种,柔性封装机器人适应多种MEMS传感器的封装。Application area: Small lot and various categories is the characteristic of MEMS industry. The Flexible Encapsulation Robot is adopted to kinds of MEMS sensor encapsulation.

        2、关键技术 Key Technology

        1)自动定位:采用自动变倍显微镜实现大范围、高精度位置测量。解决了变倍自动调焦、显微图像分割等关键问题,可实现柔性封装前的自动定位;Auto-positioning: apply the auto-zooming microscope to realize the large-scale and high accurate position measurement. Figure out the key question of zooming auto-facusing and micro image segmentation. Realize the auto-positioning before the encapsulation.

        2)定位精度高:采用精密步进电机驱动,可实现定位精度5μm;High accuracy of positioning: driven by the accurate stepper motor ; 5μm high accurate positioning.

        3)温度控制范围宽、控制着精度高:接合工艺炉采用基于PID调节技术的温度控制方式,可实现0-500度范围内的温度调整和控制。Wide scale of temperature control and high accuracy control: the combiner applys the PID-based adjusting technology, tuning and controling the temperature within 0~500°C.

        4)人机界面友好:基于计算机控制方式,实现全部节拍的安排、动作的设置和信息的采集,提供良好的人机界面。Friendly Human-computer interface: Base on the computer control; carry out the all beats scheduling, motion setup and information collocting; provide friendly human computer interface.

        3、功能:将精密定位、显微视觉、作业工具等关键技术有机结合,通过模块化设计,可根据需求有效集成,满足不同封装要求。Function: combining organically the key technology of accurate positioning, mircro visual and operating tools, adopting the modular design, different encapsolation requires are satisfied according effetive intergration.

        4、实际应用 Practical Application

        (1)、已实现MEMS高温压力传感器自动化组装作业。MEMS high-temperature pressure sensor auto-encapsulation has been realized

        (2)、实现加速度计、微麦克风等传感器的引线键合封装。Accelerometer and tiny microphone sensors’ lead bonding encapsulation has been realized

        5、样机照片 Product sample


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