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        To use its small size, good features hidden in anti-terrorism surveillance,micro ground reconnaissance robot take an important role in the long-term hiding.In the reconnaissance exploration process, the operator can send the robot to the region to be detected.The operator can adjust the robot's position and posture by remote control. Robot send the situation on the groud to remote operation end via wireless video, to achieve long-range reconnaissance and long-term hiding purposes.



        They has the advantages of high movement efficiency, low energy loss.


        Small size hard to be detected, remote control flexible and easy to be carried and operated


        BALL-130 is a portable surveillance equipment,shockproof,resistance to adverse environmental factors.

        (4)、BALL-130可以滚动移动以调整自身侦察位置,使自身存在于更加隐蔽的环境中    BALL-130 can be moved to adjust the scroll position of its own reconnaissance, so that self-exists in the more subtle environment


        BALL-130 can do a zero radius of rotation, to achieve 360-degree environment reconnaissance

        (6)、独特的远距离监视设备,使用可靠It is a unique remote monitoring equipment, reliable


        Hand-held remote controller, easy to operate, could do the work of remote real-time monitoring of robot status information and image information.

        二、主要参数The main parameters:

        (1)、直径:130毫米;Diameter: 130 mm;

        (2)、自重:1.5千克;Weight: 1.5 kg;

        (3)、速度:移动速度0.1米/秒;Speed: speed 0.1 m / s;

        (4)、续航时间:30分钟;Endurance time: 30 minutes;

        (5)、潜伏时间:24小时;Incubation time: 24 hours;

        (6)、无线传输距离:75米;Wireless transmission distance: 75 meters;

        三、功能 Function

        (1)、远程反恐侦察、长期潜伏;Remote counter-terrorist and long-term hiding

        (2)、适合应用于危险环境的探测、狭小复杂环境和管道内部等的监视、士兵作战远程侦察等方面;They are very suitable for hazardous environment detection,and reconnaissance in narrow channels within the complex environment and internal pipeline,and soldiers in combat long-range reconnaissance, etc.

        四、类别及样机照片Prototype photo and description:

        目前已研制球型、椭球型、双轮三种地面侦察机器人Now we have developed spherical, ellipsoid, two-wheeled three kinds of ground reconnaissance robot


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